Thursday, January 26, 2012

3. oh-so-elegant and tasteful

3.  oh-so-elegant and tasteful by heathre
3. oh-so-elegant and tasteful, a photo by heathre on Flickr.

Via Flickr:
Week 3 of Embracing Pluto:

One of the many reasons I'm excited about this year-long project with Vanessa - we are both total goofballs. And she reminds me how important it is to keep that sense of humor close at hand. (for example)

You are oh-so-elegant and tasteful to the point of incurring nausea from loved ones. You are also bipolar as hell and can't make a decision on your own. You usually consult your therapist or TV Guide. Libras are trendy and malleable folks. They are funny because they will glom onto something they hated before if it suddenly becomes fashionable. Velour is not entirely lost upon these people. Libras eat a lot of ethnic food from cultures they don't understand. They single-handedly started the cappucino movement. Ask them why, and they will claim something unintelligible about solidarity. You constantly worry about what other people think. If you really paid any attention, maybe people would like you more.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2. plots and schemes & hopes and dreams

Via Flickr:
Embracing Pluto Week 2 with Vanessa

Libra 2012 Forecast

Saturn, the planet of self-mastery is in your sign through October 2012. This once-every-30-year transit usually brings major life changes and decisions. It's time for you to "grow up" in some significant way. Allow your added responsibilities to forge even greater power and self-assurance. Ironically, much of your inner strength may be cultivated by facing and overcoming frustrations and obstacles. So tackle challenges as if they are tailor made to teach you something valuable. Relationships take on more importance now. Good ones can get deeper, more committed. Sex and/or intimacy can get way better, too. Joint finances might also improve and/or you might benefit from another's transitions.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

1. balance

1. balance by heathre
1. balance, a photo by heathre on Flickr.

Week 1:
Libra is the only zodiac symbol that's neither animal nor human -- but surely that doesn't make you any less human. In fact, Libra is among the most sociable of the signs. As scales of old were really "balances," so do you seek balance in all that Libra does. You respond to situations with grace as Libra attempts to put others at ease. Artistically, Libra tries to balance form, content, colors and elements, and for this reason can be drawn toward creative endeavors.

Kicking off a weekly collaboration with my fellow libra, the inspiring, gorgeous and amazing Vanessa.
A year of libra and astrology inspired images

Saturday, January 7, 2012


It's 2012, time to dust off the ole blog. I'm starting a new photo project next with with my lovely friend Vanessa - weekly self-portraits loosely based on astrology/horoscopes. We are both libras and I've become a wee bit obsessed with astrology in the last couple months, thanks to my co-worker Mari who has done a couple readings for me.

My hope is to post at least my weekly photo, as well as photos from my ongoing collaboration with Meg and our lyrics project.

Libra forecast for 2012:
Saturn, the planet of self-mastery is in your sign through October 2012. This once-every-30-year transit usually brings major life changes and decisions. It's time for you to "grow up" in some significant way. Allow your added responsibilities to forge even greater power and self-assurance. Ironically, much of your inner strength may be cultivated by facing and overcoming frustrations and obstacles. So tackle challenges as if they are tailor made to teach you something valuable. Relationships take on more importance now. Good ones can get deeper, more committed. Sex and/or intimacy can get way better, too. Joint finances might also improve and/or you might benefit from another's transitions.